Thursday, September 03, 2009

Directing Every Thoughts and Action

Today's reading in Calvin's Institutes was Book I, Ch III, 1-3. The section is titled "The Knowledge of God has been Naturally Implanted in the Minds of Men."

I have always started with the assumption that people all have some view of God or a god or "something out there." If anything, I often see that those who oppose the view of God or a god have to work very hard to prove (to themselves?) that a personal, creative, ruling entity does not exist. In many ways, I see this as a lifelong endeavor to hide from God.

In our culture, these statements come across as insulting to those who believe that God does not exist. How can a person (me) make this bold and arrogant statement?

I make these statements because I believe them to be true and I invite anyone who disagrees with me to enter into a conversation about them. I am sharing what I have witnessed in the lives of my friends, co-workers and family members who reject the existence of God. They do so for reasons that are legitimate to them and I can often see why they have chosen to make this decision based on their life experiences and experiences with those who believe in God.

If I truly believe that, then what should I be doing. Calvin awakened me today to why I need to humbly (re)direct my life toward God in every moment of every day. I may claim that God exists and base my life on a relationship with him through Jesus Christ but that doesn't mean that I will be shaped by that understanding and relationship without an intentional movement toward God (as God is constantly intentionally moving toward me first).

Calvin shares the following in I.III.3

Besides, if all men are born and live to the end that they may know God, and yet if knowledge of God is unstable and fleeting unless it progresses to this degree, it is clear that all of those who do not direct every thought and action in their lives to this goal degenerate from the law of their creation. This was not unknown to the philosophers.

The bottom line is that every person has some natural understanding that God or a god or "something out there" exists. Every person has a choice as to what to do with that understanding - whether to be known by God or hide from God.

I believe God sent his Son to share himself and open the way for a life-restoring relationship with the personal, loving God who created everything (including you and me). If we enter into that relationship, then we will be restored daily and into eternity. As I go, I need to direct every thought and action to the goal of knowing God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing up on the scene (earth) and revealing God through your life, death and resurrection. Seriously, thank you. I would be lost without you. I would be searching for an unknown God that would be mostly created in my own imagination (and image). Help me today to direct every thought and action toward knowing you. Thank you for the truth of 1 John 4:10 "this is love: not that we loved but that you loved us and sent your Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." This truth woke me up to your love for me back in December of 1990 and you have been restoring me ever since. Help me to continue in my quest to turn toward you as you constantly turn toward me. I love you. For your name's sake, Amen.

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