Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Like old times...

I really enjoy being online and feeling connected to the world. I took that for granted during my 6 years of work in the information technology where I would be online all day long. I didn't realize how much being a parent and having school work would disrupt that connection.

I do have a 'job' here at the seminary that allows me to experience that again. I work as a lab assistant in a computer lab and I get paid for writing stuff like this. The main difference between this job and my past jobs is I get paid a LOT less for basically doing the same amount of work.

Either way, that doesn't take away the fact that I enjoy having multiple email accounts open, this blog site, other blogs, my facebook account, my myspace account, and instant message sessions all going at once.

I should probably return to reading and doing my school work...

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