Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Foggy Perception...

I have received a couple of questions regarding this rarely (if ever) updated blog. I often have ideas to post but the transition from my head to the blog has not been a habit.

Today, I offer a picture of my life in the past year. My second daughter has slept through the night 3-4 times in her first full year of life. Last night was one of the "highlights" of this magnificent run of waking up. I went to bed early (9 AM) due to a head cold and woke up around midnight when she woke up. I was unable to fall back asleep due to being wide awake but I eventually fell asleep near 2:15 AM. 20 minutes or so later, she woke up again. I was unable to go back to sleep until 5 or 5:30 AM... I slept for 3 hours. I had a total of 6 hours of sleep but there was a 5 hour up/down period in the middle.

I guess that is why I have been a little out of sorts this past year. I wonder what it will be like when I can experience the world through the eyes/mind of a full night's sleep. Until then, I will continue to exist with a foggy perception of reality...

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