Saturday, October 08, 2005

More than an internship

I am currently leading a group of young adults at Presbyterian Church of New Providence (PCNP) for my field education internship. The opportunity goes way beyond an internship for me. I grew up in PCNP and now I find myself back at the church. The church has a completely different feel due to a new senior pastor and numerous changes to almost everything. I have been given the opportunity to lead the most challenging, in my opinion, group in the church - young adults. Young adults are overlooked and, to be frank, ignored in many churches.

Why? I think the real reason is because they are hard to "pin down." Another reason is I have seen that churches do not take them seriously because of their busy lives and lack of tithing. I definitely differ on the tithing aspect because I've seen that individuals in their 20s/30s are more willing than others to support the ministries where they see God at work.

Most churches have 'programs' for youth and for families with young children. The gap between high school graduation and the first kid is a big one. I feel called at this point to be a leader to help address this gap. I am convinced that God's upside down way of working in the church (taking the least and making them the greatest) applieis to this gap.

If anybody is actually reading this, then do you see this pattern in your church? If you don't go to church, then if you ever checked out a church, did you feel like this was true?


Unknown said...

I'll say this. In the churches that I've been in that have been alive, they've always got a significant number of 20-30 somethings. In those churches, often they have actual ministries and gear themselves in some ways to these people.

On the other hand, nearly every church that I've seen lacking "verve" has been also lacking this age group. It often feels like these churches aren't concerned about this age group, they don't feel like it's necessary to go after them. They may say things like "they leave, and we don't know why" but the fact is, they're not interested in them, plain and simple.

These are just some things I've observed, in no way absolute, just where I've been and seen in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff!

I'll say I'm in a similar situation (going back to serve the church I grew up in. And It's a lot different than when I was there - for the better.)

In this congreagation they have targeted the 20-40 crowd, It's pretty clear that parent's who have school age kids are drawn to church - at first for the kids and then for themselves. The problem is that once the kids leave the house the parenta often times will stop coming to church.

At my field placement they have an awesome youth program - but the youth don't interact with the older generation. Maybe it is insignificant, but the kids have their own section of the church and even their own worship service. I'm still trying to figure this one out...

Blessings Mr. Lee!
