Friday, October 29, 2004

i love coffee but does coffee love me?

i have grown to love coffee. i stayed away from coffee for years. i still can't believe that i made it through my entire time at uva without drinking a full cup of coffee (i had a sip of dunkin donuts coffee but that doesn't count).

here is something to ponder... i started thinking about this after reading about the role of fasting and abstinence in one of my readings by Augustine.

coffee makes me more thirsty because it dries me out
my thirst leads to my body desiring to eat because my body thinks that is hungry when it is really thirsty
this increases my overall level of desire
desires never lead to anything good if they are left unchecked
the sin nature leans toward leaving desires unchecked
therefore, coffee leads to sin

does coffee love me?

i am not proposing a law. i am just thinking out loud about how a mature follower of Christ should consider the small daily decisions that could possibly lead to holiness as opposed the inferior alternative.

does that mean i should change my focus to loving water...?

i love water and water loves me???

is anyone reading this but me...? if so, call me on my new cell phone at 609-672-6300 or post something here or write me an email at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we all have the tendency to go overboard with feeding the body. In a society where food is plenty, we've gone from eating as a necessity to eating as a pleasurable activity (supersize me!).

Fasting is a great "gut" check (pun intended?) on where we place food in our lives. It is another vice we use to fill the void in our lives.
