Friday, January 09, 2009

Never Study Alone

I wrote on my other blog (part of the MVPC blog crew) a few weeks ago about a book that I have never read - "Never Eat Alone."

I saw this book at a book store while working on a paper at Princeton Seminary a few years ago. The title captured my attention but I never read the book. I was captivated by the idea that no meal should pass without connecting with another person or group of people.

Recently, I saw a similar a pattern in my study life. I didn't make a conscious decision to do this but I found myself in numerous studies with others. I realized that I had made the decision in order to keep myself engaged in a life of learning but also realizing that I could not set aside the amount of time that I would like for solo study.

I now should write the book "Never Study Alone" because I am living out the primary theme that if I am going to read a book or study the Bible then I should engage in that study with another person (much like a person should engage in conversations over a meal with another person).

Here is a sample of my current "Never Study Alone" gatherings:
- 1 Peter - weekly coffee meeting
- It by Craig Groeschel - bi-weekly lunch
- Confessions by Augustine - bi-weekly coffee meeting
- Dogmatics in Outline by Karl Barth - monthly theological forum with Earl Palmer
- Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels - bi-monthly gathering with small group ministry coaches
- Reading the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart - monthly lunch meeting
- Future In-formation by Ron Carucci and Josh Epperson - blog discussion started from a monthly leadership gathering

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's an extremely strong desire in the postmodern heart for community and connection. What better way to achieve that than through spending time studying in community!

Great thoughts, man!