Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Early mornings

I can barely remember the days before the kids when I would set my alarm in order to wake up to read Scripture and pray. I still read Scripture and pray but I often have Dora the Explorer yelling in the background.

This morning, I was able to get some time alone at 6 AM. My "routine" reflects my love for reading Scripture and reflecting on what I hear. Recently, I have been reading from the lectionary along with others in the Company of New Pastors. I decided to start on my own this morning with a reading from Psalm 119. Psalm 119:45 says "I will walk about in freedom for I have sought out your precepts." I composed the following prayer after reading and rereading this verse.

Holy and Gracious Lord, you are the source of freedom and lover of my life, you have given me your precepts as a source of life, may you grant me the grace to follow them so that I may walk about in freedom, for your name's sake, Amen.

What does it look like and feel like to "walk about in freedom" throughout the day? I can honestly say that right now I am experiencing that reality.

I have heard a lot of criticism, whether direct or indirect, about "personal piety" during my time at Princeton Seminary. The comments often focus on "quiet times" just like the one that I described. To be fair, I agree with the criticism aimed at legalistic systems that lead to individuals feeling like they have performed their Christian duty. The criticism that I have heard, however, often focused on the act itself of "spending time with the Lord."

In my view, spending time with the Lord is life-giving and the best way to begin a day. I don't know about you but I would like to be a person who "walks about in freedom."

How do you respond when you hear say that they had a "quiet time" or "spend some time time with the Lord" this morning?

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