Friday, September 29, 2006

Give this guy a chance...

I am on a mission. I am always on a mission (those who know me can witness to that statement). I am currently in a theology of John Calvin class and one of my goals is to meet the real John Calvin. The term "Calvinist" evokes a wide range of responses from both those inside and outside the church, both those in the Presbyterian church(es) and those outside. Unfortunately for theologians, they are often branded with a short phrase or label that biases those who would otherwise learn from their writings, meditations, sermons, and lives of devotion to Jesus Christ. For Calvin, of course, he is associated with predestination.

I have the opportunity (yes, I view it that way) to hang out Calvin this semester. Darrell Guder encouraged me to view my class on the theology of Lesslie Newbigin last year as a time of mentoring by a theologian. I am taking the same approach to my time with Calvin (and Karl Barth in an independent study).

I was refreshed by Calvin's definition of piety. He said "I call 'piety' that reverence joined with love of God which the knowledge of his benefits induces." (1.2.1) What a great source for a prayer? "Lord, grant me the grace to have a reverence joined with a love for you."

I was also reminded of God's provision for me and my response when Calvin wrote "For until a person recognizes that they owe everything to God, that they are nourished by his fatherly care, that he is the Author of their every good, that they should seek nothing beyond him - they will never yield him willing service." (1.2.1) (bold added by me)

I am a stubborn guy. What would it look like for me to "yield him willing service" every day? My prayer life will be marked by an admission that I owe everything to God and that I would like to seek nothing beyond him.

I invite you to consider hanging out with Calvin and meet this man of God who reflected on the things of God beyond one subject (predestination). I am looking forward to seeing how he points me to Jesus Christ in the coming months and beyond.

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