Thursday, December 22, 2005

Excuse me...

I was in Panera Bread a few days ago and I witnessed a somewhat hilarious event.

A guy squawking on his cell phone with his cool new bluetooth device stuck in his ear. This guy, like many individuals who do not care about anybody else in the world, was talking loud enough for the whole place to hear his great sales pitch to his potential client. A woman sat down at the next table over and quickly became visibly annoyed. I watched a real live "boiling point" episode as she started to squirm. After a few mere seconds, she turned to the guy and said, "Excuse me, please shut the hell up!"

Here's my question, who was more inconsiderate?


the last noel said...

The guy on the phone was the most inconsiderate. The woman who told him to shut up was acting out of a deep sense of compassion for those around her.

Unknown said...

oooh! when you told it to me @ Starbucks you missed the "hell" part. But I think I'm going to side with her on that one as well. Jesus never had compassion on people who abused their cell phone's in public, why should I?

em said...

I think they should both be chastized for their poor etiquette:

Talking loudly on the phone??

Saying "Please shut the hell up!" in front of other people (likely some children) ???

Naughty Naughty on both of them!!! ;-)